Re: syslog (WAS: chroot'ed environment?)

Tom Fitzgerald (
Fri, 21 Apr 95 19:52:56 EDT

> The only thing that bothers me is that I didnt want syslogd to listen on its
> UDP port, but i guess I will just check the address of the incoming packets
> against the loopback address. (Didn't try that yet, thougth.)

Packets can be made to show up on your ethernet port with as the
source and destination.

Though I guess if you make sure that the packets have loopback for both
source and destination, and make sure that there are no source-routing
options, then either spoofed packets have from systems on the local LAN, or
your routers have been hacked.

Tom Fitzgerald    1-508-967-5278    Wang Labs, Lowell MA, USA